These Are a Few of my Favourite Things... (Part 2)

As promised, I am now back off holiday and ready to share some more of my beauty tips with you all! All of the items that I’m going to mention are cheap as chips but they work really well so let’s get started.


I don’t think there is anything more attractive than glowing skin, especially when you’re rocking some super short shorts or baring your arms for the world to see. With this in mind, I am always on the lookout for body lotions that promise to make your skin shine like those goddesses you often see in the Venus blades adverts on telly. From Clarins to Clinique to Superdrugs’ own body butter - I have tried them all. I have 2 favourites that I swear by. If I’m feeling flush then I treat myself to Clarins’ Moisture Rich Body Lotion. It smells divine and leaves my skin looking shiny all day. eBay is your best bet to find this lotion at half the price than you would get it in a department store. 

My daily (cheapish) body lotion is the Papaya Body Butter from the Body Shop. This is super thick and smells really good. It absorbs really quickly and my skin becomes satin-smooth to touch. All the body butters from the Body Shop are great for your skin. I tend to stick a load on as soon as I’ve got out of the shower so my skin has no time to dry out. Body Shop body butters range from £5 to £10 for a gigantic pot of goodness.

Both of these lotions work great by themselves but I recently discovered something that turns these products into SUPER moisturisers! This product is Jojoba oil. When I’m applying my lotion, I squirt a drop of Jojoba oil into it and then rub it. My skin goes mad for it and it leaves behind a glowing sheen that I’ve never been able to get with body lotion alone. 

If I’m going for the super-glam look, once the lotion/Jojoba mix has dried, I rub in some Garnier Ambre Solaire Golden Protect Milk (SP50) and my skin glitters like gold. This is normally quite expensive but you can find it half price or less in Superdrugs and Boots as summertime is now over (boo). The Garnier website also has the one I use for half price and free delivery here.
One bottle normally does me for at least 6 months as it’s not something I apply daily. 

I’ve also started using Jojoba oil to remove my eye makeup as I’ve always been paranoid about upsetting the sensitive under eye area. I dap a tiny bit of oil onto a cotton pad and try to dab any makeup off with it and rub really softly. I’ve heard that rubbing the makeup off vigorously leads to wrinkles and skin damage... and no one wants that!

The best thing about this oil is that it is hella cheap (only £1.29) if you buy it from here!

Shine seems to be the running theme of this blog. I’ve never been one to apply products to my hair, I’m lucky enough to be able to towel dry it and it tends to look okay. But, when Nick Horne moved to London and I stayed there a lot, I noticed my hair started to get really dull, even when I was using good shampoos and conditioners. It seemed to have lost its dazzle and I started to look a bit Edward Scissorhands. My hair was all over the place and quite straggly. I spotted Tara Smith’s Hair Gloss Top Coat Glosser in a magazine and decided to give it a shot. I’d used lots of other sprays, sheens, glossers - Elnett, Loreal, Pantene, Aussie Miracle Moist Spray – and all they did was make my hair really greasy, I hated the feel of it and I had to wash it all the time. I needed something light that wouldn’t weigh my hair down and something that would add shine and softness. This spray is PERFECT. So much so, I have friends that refuse to use anything else after I recommended it to them. I tend to use it on damp hair (I let my hair dry naturally) and then I spray again when it’s dry. My friend Chewy is the complete opposite of me, she’s blonde, blow-dries and straightens her hair and it works the same for her too. It smoothes the hair follicles, adds softness, lots of sheen and smells oh so fresh and clean! The cheapest I have found is 2 bottles for less than £11, which is an absolute bargain! Buy yours here.
Sweaty Betty
I am going to embarrass myself with this one BUT I have to share this product with everyone as it’s been a complete life saver for me. I was even contemplating lying about this and say that I only use this product on stage under hot lights to prevent sweat marks but I’m gonna go there and admit it – I sweat A LOT. I know that people sweat, some more than others and I fall into the ‘more than others’ category. My teenage years were spent dressed in black with no sleeves as I couldn’t risk anything that would expose the horrendous ringos that I was hiding under my arms! I lived with this excessive sweating for years and it would stress me out on a daily basis. My wardrobe was limited to what I could wear and I was always self-conscious and I was a miserable hot mess about it until I found Odaban. I’d tried other hardcore deodorants before but they would leave my underarms really sore and itchy because of the high dose of aluminium in them – often a rash would appear as soon as I used these products so I would have to give up. That’s why I was sceptical about using Odaban but once I’d read the reviews on Amazon, I decided to give it a try…

I’ve been using this spray for about 4 years now and it’s the one thing I cannot live without. I only apply it once a week now and it does the trick. To start off, I would apply it twice a week. Rather than spray it directly under my arms (I found this would irritate my skin a little), I spray 2 cotton pads 3 times, wipe under each arm, go to bed, wake up and shower it off and ta dah – you will be sweat free for good. I still apply my daily deodorant as I like the smell of it as Odaban is odourless. Now I can wear whatever I want and not have to worry about any stains or marks. It’s around £8 a bottle and lasts around a year as so little of it is required. I bought mine here.

This is powerful stuff – it can withstand an hour of me bouncing on stage under hot lights, an hour in the gym and even that emotional stress sweat that can sometimes get the better of us. It truly works!

That's it for now, but keep your eyes peeled. I'll be back soon with a review of Mane and Tail - Horse Shampoo and Conditioner, which is meant to work wonders on human hair. Neighhhhh!

Laila x


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