Amberen Ingredients - How Amberen Works?

Before taking a new medication, many users are interested in finding out about the active ingredients that make it so effective. Not all Amberen ingredients are listed on the label, but there is a lot of information to be gained from the ingredients that are known. The active Amberen ingredients that make this medication so successful are various salts. These include:

  • Calcium disuccinate
  • Magnesium disuccinate hydrate
  • Ammonium succinate
These Amberen ingredients have a noticeable effect on the way the body communicates with hormone producing glands. Menopause is all about hormones so this effect makes Amberen successful at treating menopausal symptoms.

Other Amberen ingredients that can be found in this menopause medication include:

  • Monosodium L-Glutamate
  • Glycine
  • Zinc difumarate hydrate
  • Tocopherol acetate
Monosodium L-glutamate is one of the Amberen ingredients that worries consumers the most. This substance is often better known as MSG. It is well-known that MSG can be harmful in large doses. However, Amberen ingredients include only a small dosage of MSG. In this amount, it acts as a neurotransmitter and helps to improve communication between various parts of the body. Nevertheless, patients who have a very strong MSG sensitivity may respond poorly to this ingredient.

Glycine helps to regulate brain cell activity. Used in conjunction with other Amberen ingredients, this reduces hypoxia in the brain. Glycine is an important component for managing the brain's delicate psycho-emotional balance during menopause. Zinc difumarate hydrate is actually a source of many Amberen ingredients as this compound provides both fumarate and zinc. These Amberen ingredients are important because they increase metabolism, manage the synthesis of insulin in the body, and reduce the patient's risk of diabetes. Tocopherol acetate is a natural antioxidant. This final active ingredient in Amberen works to protect the cell membrane during menopause and prevent damage and deterioration.

This is not an exhaustive list of all Amberen ingredients. This medication is not recommended for patients with a thyroid condition because some Amberen ingredients may worsen this type of problem. The exact compound that is to blame is not identified, however. Some Amberen ingredients are listed as proprietary compounds. This medication is not approved by the FDA as a prescription for any specific disease. Users should consult with their doctor before taking the drug and report any side effects to a medical professional as well. Because Amberen is not associated with any serious side effects, its ingredients are believed to be safe for most users.

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