Dr. Oz And Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘Elimination Diet’ and Anti-Aging Secrets

Today on The Dr. Oz Show, Gwyneth Paltrow guests to talk about, amongst many other things, how she collapsed while on an extreme diet and forced her to make drastic changes in the way she and her family eats. She’s authored a new elimination diet cookbook, "It’s All Good", where she shares that she’s cut out coffee, alcohol, dairy, sugar, shellfish, wheat, meat, all processed foods, and many many more.

Gwyneth’s been criticized for being a "bad mom" for putting her family on the Elimination Diet. But, that’s not true at all, Gwyn says. Her family is, in fact, NOT on the diet – they eat Oreos and all that good stuff. She does, however, try to make her son eat healthier by cooking up only gluten-free meals. Two of the meals her kids really love is Mustard and Old Bay Fish Fingers and Veggie Dumplings (the recipes are available on the link to Dr. Oz’s official website at the bottom of this article.)

Oil of Oregano is one of Gwyneth’s home remedies whenever her children have colds and fevers. Her next trick is for avoiding germs – it’s colloidal silver. Gwyneth carries a bottle of it and sprays it everywhere, she says. Dr. Oz adds that silver was actually the first anti-bacterial. For better sleep, she takes 300mg of magnesium about 30 minutes before hitting the sack.

Dr. Oz shifts gears to reveal the anti-aging secrets the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know:

Secret #1: There is no such thing as a "facelift in a bottle." These products only stay on the surface of the skin and don’t get down deep enough into the dermis to cause any change. The solution? Retin-A. It penetrates through the skin and encourages skin cell
Secret #2: The "Dermatologist Approved" label only means that one dermatologist (the one that was paid) approved it and NOT all dermatologists approve of it.
Secret #3: Legally, the label "hypoallergenic" doesn’t mean anything. Just because it says "hypoallergenic" on the bottle doesn’t mean you won’t have a reaction. You still can, actually.
Secret #4: Eye creams are just glorified moisturizers.
Secret #5: False eyelashes are used in mascara advertisements. Instead, apply eyelash primer to get the appearance of longer lashes.

Now for some $5 dollar secrets to take 5 years off your face:

Borage oil supplement, available in vitamin stores, can be used as a moisturizer. Just open up the vitamin capsule, squeeze a bit of it out, and apply to the skin.
Sephora Super Nourishing Lip Balm is a cheap but quality soothing and healing lip balm.
A parsley pesto eye mask that can be made right from your kitchen (3 tbsp fresh parsley and 2 tbsp plain yogurt mixed together in a food processor) is a cheap under-eye brightener. Just leave on for 20 minutes then wash off.

Ref: http://www.nerdles.com/2013/04/11/dr-oz-gwyneth-paltrows-elimination-diet-and-anti-aging-secrets-41113/

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